Managing your finances can be a difficult task at any age. Since life’s events can fluctuate on a daily basis, it’s comforting to have a clear and more consistent outlook on your financial future. Even if you know little about personal finance or saving money, HomeRun Financial and Insurance Services is committed to helping you realize your fiscal goals.
At HomeRun Financial and Insurance Services, our advisors will take the time to understand your needs on an individual basis and educate you on the various financial services available to you and your family. We strive to offer the expert education and assistance you can expect for achieving monetary stability and security – to make your planning process that much easier.
For many, planning early is at the heart of a sound financial future. We realize the importance of taking the right steps in order to accomplish not only your short-term fiscal goals, but also your long-term desires for a happy retirement.
With Financial Planning services from HomeRun Financial and Insurance Services, you can receive helpful advice from a professional who is committed to assisting you in planning for a secure and stable future. Our Financial Planning advisors can help you determine:
Our experts can even advise you on Estate Planning and Analysis. It’s important for most people to know and control what happens to their estate upon their passing. With the right advice and strategy, you can ensure that the family home stays in the family, your wills and trusts are properly drawn up, your affairs are properly handled, and much more.
Since each person has their own goals for their financial future and retirement, we are committed to educating you on making the right decisions based on your current situation and how to plan accordingly. One of the best feelings you can have is knowing that your financial independence is secure.
Contact HomeRun Financial & Insurance Services today to see how Financial Planning can help achieve your goals.
We’re committed to advising you on making smart financial decisions by offering investment services such as Mutual Funds. These pooled investments in assets like stocks, bonds, and money markets can help either individuals or employees benefit based on the performance of companies and securities that fall into any of the asset categories. Shareholders can then receive equity position in each fund.
Since there are many types of Mutual Funds, it’s important to discuss your options with a professional who can advise you on how to invest wisely. Contact an investment professional at HomeRun Financial and Insurance Services to learn more about how Mutual Funds can benefit your financial future.
Offering a retirement plan for your employees could be one of the best things you’ll do for your small business. The benefits aren’t just in the future, either—as pointed out by the Department of Labor, starting a retirement plan offers immediate tax benefits in the form of deductibles, deferred taxation, and tax-free growth. Small employers can also usually take advantage of available tax credits that help offset the creation and administration of their plan, making it both easy and affordable to get started.
If you’re going to start offering small business retirement plans, you need to decide what type of plan(s) are actually going to be offered. There are a few different choices, each with their own advantages for different types of business owners.
401(k) plan—Named after its designation by the IRS—is a special type of retirement account that allows employees to contribute some of their earnings into a savings plan. The three main forms of 401(k) plans available are Safe Harbor, Automatic Enrollment, and Traditional, all of which have important differences for small businesses. We encourage talking to a certified financial professional prior to selecting a plan in order to ensure that it’s right for your company’s needs, both now and in the future.
Profit Sharing Plans—If your company’s income is variable, you can opt for what’s known as a “profit sharing plan.” These plans accept contributions at the discretion of employers, and typically do not require a certain amount of contributions each year. This is especially useful for startups, who may not have funds to spare as they work to establish themselves and deal with the challenges of creating a new business.
Pension Plans—Your employees are an integral part of your success as a business – especially those who have committed many years of faithful service to aid in the advancement of your day-to-day operations. We can help your business show its appreciation to its devoted employees by setting up traditional Pension Plans. These plans are entirely company-driven and allow your business to provide additional income to employees upon retiring.
While all plans are required to file a Form 5500 each year to report their performance, the plans are accepted for businesses of any size and can even be used by companies that have other retirement plans in place. A HomeRun Financial and Insurance Services agents would be happy to discuss these and other options with you.
We are proud to provide fiscal planning services for clients near Jackson, San Andreas, Ione, Valley Springs, Pine Grove, West Point, and the surrounding area.
Whether you’re just beginning your financial journey or you simply want to make sure you’re making the most fiscally-sound decisions, we can answer your questions to help you get where you want to go.
11984 West State Hwy 88, Jackson, CA 95642
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